February 17, 2022

interviewIn the midst of her VERY busy schedule creating, maintaining, and managing the Columbia College spirit, CeCe the Columbia College Koala agreed to sit down for a quick interview. Here’s how it went:

Thanks for taking the time to sit down with me, CeCe. I know you are a very popular Koala. What is a typical day like for you?

Koalas by nature are - well I’ll just say it - lazy, but not me! I’ve got lots to do here at Columbia College to keep students excited, faculty and staff engaged, and alumni nostalgic. From smiling for pictures to frolicking across the Green, a mascot’s job is never done....and don’t forget cheering on our athletic teams!

How did you end up here at Columbia College?

Well as I mentioned before, I’m not like any Koala I know, and I always had too much energy to hang around with other Koalas for very long. As soon as I stepped onto Columbia College’s campus, I knew this was the place for me. They welcome all kinds of students from all walks of life: recent high school graduates, students who haven’t been to school in YEARS, students who commute, students who work all day and go to school at night, EVEN students who attend school completely online. They’re all welcome at Columbia College, and I knew I would be too. They love nontraditional students, why not nontraditional Koalas?

What’s your favorite part of your job?

There is no better feeling than when someone smiles and waves at me! I know that must be a special person who loves Columbia College and maybe even me too!

What do you think about your upcoming makeover?

Everyone’s always talking about self-care, and it sounds fun to me! A month’s worth of pampering and a whole new wardrobe?! No complaints here!

What are you most looking forward to about “the new you”?

I’ll always be CeCe, no matter how fancy. You’ll still catch me frolicking across the Green and cheering on the athletic teams, and as long as people (students, faculty, staff, alumni, families) still smile, wave, and ask for photos, I’ll be a happy Koala...but who doesn’t love a new pair of shoes and a nice blowout?!

What else would you like the Columbia College community to know?

I want everyone I’ve met to know that the spirit of Columbia College is THRIVING. I’ve never been so excited for what’s to come, and my makeover is just a small part of that. I can’t wait to see each of you soon, so that I can smile, wave, and maybe even do a little dance with you so that you know the spirit of Columbia College lives in my heart, just as it does in yours. That will never change, not with a makeover and not ever. “No matter what the years may bring. Columbia, we thy glory sing.”

Join us in making it possible to give CeCe some extra love with a mascot makeover!

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