James Sullivan is the author of Harboring (ELJ Editions) as well as short stories, essays, and poetry published widely in national and international journals. He received a BA from Creighton University, an MA in literature from the University of South Dakota, and an MFA in creative writing from Minnesota State University, Mankato. He also attended Sophia University in Tokyo and lived and taught in Japan for several years, which informs his artistic interests, which range from high modernist literature to contemporary genre works. He is currently at work on his second collection of short stories.
Awards & Accomplishments
- Runner-up for The Headlight Review Anthony Grooms Short Fiction Prize (2024)
- Awarded Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council Artist Development Grant (2022-2023)
- Iron Horse Literary Review First Book Contest Semi-finalist: Planet of the Expats (2023)
- Featured author at Rain Taxi Twin Cities Book Festival Minnesota Author Showcase (2023)
- Finalist for Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction (2022)
- Finalist for Phoebe journal fiction prize (2022)
- Finalist for West Trade Review Phyllis Grant Zellmer Prize for Fiction (2022)
- Finalist for New Ohio Review fiction prize (2022)
- "Smooth" - Cimarron Review (2024)
- "The Eighth Child of the Yamada Clan" - Devastation Songs: An Anthology of Kaiju Writing (Broken Sleep Books, 2024)
- Harboring - ELJ Editions (2023)
- "Hair of the Dog" - New Ohio Review (2023)
- "Chart Notes" - Fourth Genre (2023)
- "House Calls" - The Normal School (2023)
- "Fin" - Necessary Fiction (2023)
- "June Bugs" - Third Coast (2022)
- "A Perfect Day for Christmas" - Phoebe (2022)
- "In Memoriam" - Fourteen hills (2019)